The Sierra Nevada Mountains are located in California and run 400 miles from North to South. The North end of the Mountain range is anchored by Lake Tahoe. Several notable, beautiful areas can be found in Lake Tahoe Region. These include: Emerald Bay, Sand Harbor, Tahoe City, Meeks Bay, Kiva Beach, Secret Cove, Bonsai Rock, etc. John Muir once described the Sierra Nevada Mountains as the “Rang of light”. In my years of travel and exploration, I have found this to be a wonderful description of the Sierras. Sunrises and sunsets can produce some amazing color both in the sky and along the mountain top in the form of alpenglow. Spring in the Sierras are filled with fields of wildflowers and Fall in the Sierras are filled with golden aspen trees lighting up the lakes and hill sides. Here is just a small sample of the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains: